About Us
IKSAD is a Turkish origin international accredited young, creative content organization established in 2010. Our think-tank team contains academics from different disciplines and countries, writers, strategists, diplomats, artists and bureaucrat who specialize in social researches, economic development and social problem-solving.
We study the appropriateness of new national and international relationships, social and environmental performance, economic development, industry category, sustainability and reputation.
Since having well educated and experienced human resources, IKSAD operates varying social researches and projects of importance. Due to the nature of our activities, we have close relationships with universities, international organizations, civil society members, private sector, local authorities and other related institutions.
Congress Award
This award recognizes the significant accomplishments of a scientist who is in the early stages of his/her career development. The recipient will have shown great promise with work carried out during conference. Science awards will be given because of evaluations after the examining the full texts by İKSAD Science Committee Members. The evaluations will be completed by 15 May 2021 at the latest.
- Young Researcher Award (for MA and PhD Students and Research Assistants)
- Professional Instructor Award (for Instructors and Lecturers)
- Science Honor Award (for Faculty Members)
İKSAD Board members, Science and Advisory Board members and those who have served in any way in the congress will not be awarded.
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