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International Health Services Congress

November 21-22, 2023 / Toros University, Mersin, Türkiye

Congress Calendar

Abstract Submission Deadline

November 05, 2023


Registration and Payment Deadline

November 09, 2023


Congress Program Announcement

November 15, 2023


Full Text Submission Deadline

(Full Text Submission Not Mandatory)

November 30, 2023


Proceeding Book Publication

December 20, 2023

Congress Registration Fee

Participation FEE (online or in person)

  • Single Paper Fee: 25 USD

  • Fee for Two Papers: 35 USD


please make your payment via credit card after receiving acceptance


25 USD Payment

35 USD Payment


Services Included in the Fee

  • Publication of abstracts and full texts in the congress book with ISBN

  • Separate participation certificate for all authors

  • Coffee break for in person participants



  • Internationally accredited

Congress Topics





Bioinformatics and Genetics



Biotherapeutic Products

Child Development


Emergency Aid and Disaster Management

Exercise and Sport Sciences

Forensic Sciences



Global Health

Health Economics

Health Education

Health Physics

Health Policies

Health Research and Ethics

Healthcare Management

Medical Care and Support Services

Medical Engineering





Nutrition and Dietetics

Occupational Health and Safety

Occupational Therapy

Orthotic Prosthesis



Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation

Public Health

Public Health

Quality Management in Health Services

Social Service

Speech and Language Therapy

Translational Medicine

Veterinary Medicine

Abstract Submission

You must apply to the Congress by sending an abstract. Since our congress has an INTERNATIONAL character, it is obligatory to send an abstract in English.

The summary evaluation process takes a maximum of 5 days.

The author is informed about the result of the evaluation without delay.


Abstract Writing Rules

Margins : 2.5 cm

Font: Times New Roman, 12 Points

Line spacing: 1.00 cm

TITLE: All capital letters

Keywords: At least 3

Number of Words: At least 250

Your abstracts should be between 200-300 words. In addition, all authors in the paper must have their name, surname, place of work, the field of study, e-mail addresses, mobile phone numbers, and ORCID numbers.

You can submit your abstracts in word/doc/docs format until November 05, 2023 at the latest should be sent to the address.

(Abstract Sample Format)

Full Text Submission

If you want to have your full texts published in the Congress book, after your abstract is accepted, you can submit your FULL TEXTS until November 30, 2023, at 17:00 You must send it to your address.

Studies with a similarity rate above 30% in full texts are not taken into consideration.

Full-Text Writing Rules

Margins : 2.5 cm

Font: Times New Roman, 12 Points

Line spacing: 1.00 cm

TITLE: All capital letters

Subtitle: Small

The number of pages: Must be at least 5 pages. The upper limit is 25 pages.



Citation Format: APA 6 Style citation format should be used.

In addition, all authors in the paper must have their name, surname, place of work, the field of study, city, and country, e-mail addresses, mobile phone numbers, and mandatory ORCID numbers.

(Full-Text Sample Format)

Publication Alternative

Our participants can publish their full texts as manuscript free of charge, provided that they pass through the “Journal of Health Research” referee process. For this, you must upload the manuscript you have prepared within the framework of the journal writing rules to the DergiPark system by 01 December 1, 2023 at the latest.
Journal website: SaÄŸlık AraÅŸtırmaları Dergisi » Ana Sayfa (

Honorary Board

Head of Organizing Committee

Asst. Prof. Efdal OKTAY GÜLTEKÄ°N - Toros University, Türkiye


Organizing Committee Members

Asst. Prof. Deniz YALÇINKAYA - Toros University, Türkiye

Asst. Prof. Esma GÖKÇE - Toros University, Türkiye

Lect. Dilan SARPKAYA - Toros University, Türkiye

Lect. Turgay ARSLAN - Toros University, Türkiye

Lect. YaÄŸmur SÜRMELÄ° - Toros University, Türkiye

Lect. Arzu COÅžKUN - Toros University, Türkiye

Lect. Tiinçe AKSAK - Toros University, Türkiye

Lect. Mehtap BUÄžDAYCI - Toros University, Türkiye

Lect. Demet ÖZER - Toros University, Türkiye

Lect. Ümit YÜZBAÅžIOÄžLU - Toros University, Türkiye

Lect. Cansu YILDIRIM - Toros University, Türkiye

Lect. Öznur GÜLDAÄž - Toros University, Türkiye

Scientific Committee Members

Prof. Dr. Aydan AYTAR - Health Sciences University, Gülhane Faculty of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Türkiye

Prof. Dr. Betül ÇETÄ°N - Amasya University, Türkiye

Prof. Dr. Fügen ÖZCANARASLAN - Toros University, Türkiye

Prof. Dr. Åžahin DÄ°REKEL - Malatya Turgut Özal University, Türkiye

Prof. Dr. Sevban ARSLAN - Çukurova University, Türkiye

Prof. Hicham HARNAFI - University Mohamed Premier, Morocco

Prof. Dr. Hüseyin TOPRAKLI - Tarsus University, Türkiye

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Anna Kopiczko - Józef PiÅ‚sudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw, Polonia

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gülay ALTUN UÄžRAÅž - Mersin University, Türkiye

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Serpil GONCA - Mersin University, Türkiye

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marsida Krasniqi - "Aleksandër Moisiu" University, Albania

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mirna Fawaz - Beirut Arab University, Lebanon

Assist. Prof. Dr. B. Ahu KAYNAK - Toros University, Türkiye

Assist. Prof. Dr. Efdal OKTAY GÜLTEKÄ°N - Toros University, Türkiye

Assist. Prof. Dr. Esma GÖKÇE - Toros University, Türkiye

Assist. Prof. Dr. Derya GEZER - Tarsus University, Türkiye

Assist. Prof. Dr. Birsen Kesik ZEYREK - Toros University, Türkiye

Assist. Prof. Dr. Deniz YALÇINKAYA - Toros University, Türkiye

Assist. Prof. Dr. Onur YARAR - Okan University, Türkiye

Assist. Prof. Dr. Bora REŞİTOÄžLU - Mersin University, Türkiye

Assist. Prof. Dr. YeÅŸim ÅžENAYLI - Yozgat Bozok University, Türkiye

Assist. Prof. Dr. Didem ÖZGÜR - Kafkas University, Türkiye

Assist. Prof. Dr. Burcu GÜRER GÄ°RAY - Yalova University, Türkiye

Assist. Prof. Dr. ÇiÄŸdem AKSU - Gaziantep Islamic Science and Technology University, Türkiye

Assist. Prof. Dr. Duygu AYAR - Gaziantep Islamic Science and Technology University, Türkiye

Assist. Prof. Dr. Åžerife KÖLE - Cyprus Health and Society University, TRNC

Assist. Prof. Dr. Åžükran ÖKTEM - BaÅŸkent University, TRNC

Assist. Prof. Dr. Refiye AKPOLAT - Cyprus International University)

Dr. Dania ALKHATÄ°B, Al-Quds University, Palestina

Dr. Dorina GJIPALI - University "Aleksandër Moisiu" Durrës, Albania

Dr. Dudu ALPTEKÄ°N - Çukurova University, Türkiye
Dr. Hamide ŞİŞMAN - Çukurova
University, Türkiye

Dr. Elvira NURLANOVA - Tver Medical Academy, Rusia

Dr. Gulgiz Huseynova - Azerbaijan Medical University, Azerbaijan

Dr. Bigamila TORSIKBAEVA, Astana Medical University, Kazakhstan

Dr. Irina-Ana DROBOT - Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, Romania

Dr. Sandra Trzcińska - University of Rehabilitation in Warsaw, Poland

Fr. Baiju Thomas - Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Educational and Research Institute, India

Dr. Joanna Cieplińska - College of Rehabilitation in Warsaw, Poland

Congress Contacts


Phone Number: +90 537 579 28 78

Fax: +90 216 606 32 75

Contact Us

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