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Dear Scientists


We are honored to welcome you to the 2nd International Congress of Innovation Through Academic Writing.


Research writing is the most important tool for the dissemination of knowledge accumulated through research. In the past decades, it has become part of the practice of writing research to use electronic resources and aids such as electronic databases, electronic personalized libraries, grammar checkers, statistical packages, online dictionaries, and of course personal computers. The academic journals as means through which research is disseminated have also become digitized. There has been no question or debate regarding the usage of the above listed resources in academic research writing in terms of legitimacy and ethics and their use has even been encouraged.


However, with the advent of artificial intelligence, a discussion has started on whether it is ethical to use AI in research writing or how it should be used so that it would be scientifically ethical. The rise of Artificial Intelligence has brought debates in the academic community such as ethical concerns, its effects on human creativity and productivity, its effects on the autonomy of writers and so on. It has also brought about questions of whether AI can replace human writers and whether AI produced texts are reliable detectable. In light of these discussions this year’s conference is going to focus on a current issue which has affected writing practices in the academia the advent of Artificial Intelligence.


In this conference, with presentations and discussions we would like to bring a new light to the discussion of AI in academic writing. The conference also welcomes presentations on issues regarding language teaching.

Congress Chair: Prof. Dr. Elif TOKDEMÄ°R DEMÄ°REL

General Information


  1. The congress, which will be held with face to face and hybrid options and hosted by Final International University, is supported by the European Writing Association and congress services will be carried out by IKSAD Publishing House. Within the scope of the “1st International Congress of Innovation Through Academic Writing" (INTAW2024), bringing together qualified scientists from Turkey and abroad, presenting valuable research on Academic Writing with a particular emphasis on the topics of Ethics in academic writing, Corpus Linguistics and Academic Writing, Writing Centers as centers for innovation, Language Use in Academic Writing, Second Language Writing, Processes and Strategies in Academic Writing, Writing Across Disciplines, Academic Writing and Cultural Identity and Digitalization in Academic Writing.

  2. This scientific and up-to-date Congress will be held online between 30-31 May 2024.

  3. With the congress that will be held for the first time this year, creating a common language and vision by bringing together researchers of Academic Writing, we aim to create an atmosphere of discussion on interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary studies pertaining to writing research.

  4. INTAW 2024 is supported by Final International University, IKSAD Publishing House, EWCA (European Writing Centers Association) and EATAW (European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing).

  5. INTAW2024 meets the academic promotion criteria of the relevant Institutions in Turkey, including being appointed to associate professorship and professorship positions in terms of both the science and advisory board and the diversity of the participating countries. In addition, the papers presented at the congress are also evaluated within the scope of Academic Incentive.

  6. Papers presented at the Congress, abstracts, or full texts will be published in the Congress Proceedings book with ISBN. The language to be used in the conference is English.

  7. In addition, the participants who wish can apply to the journals scanned in the TR Index and international index, as the full text of the papers published only as "Abstract" in the Congress Book. However, it will be possible to publish in a journal if it is appropriate within their publication policies and processes. Therefore, the processes of the Journal are not related to the Congress Organizing Committee.

  8. All sessions of the Congress including the Opening Ceremony will be held online.​


The list of journals in which the articles can be published is given below.


  1. Journal of Academic Writing  

  2. Innovations in Language Teaching Journal

  3. Journal of Language and Education Review

Congress Calendar

Abstract Submission Deadline

May 15, 2024


Registration and Payment Deadline

May 18, 2024


Congress Program Announcement

May 22, 2024


Full Text Submission Deadline

(Full Text Submission Not Mandatory)

June 30, 2024


Proceeding Book Publication

July 30, 2024

Congress Topics

The conference includes but is not limited to the areas of research pertaining to academic writing and second language writing listed below:

  • AI in academic writing

  • Ethics in academic writing

  • Corpus Linguistics and Academic Writing

  • Writing Centers

  • Language Use in Academic Writing

  • EFL Writing

  • Processes and Strategies in Academic Writing

  • Writing Across Disciplines

  • Academic Writing and Cultural Identity

  • Digitalization in Academic Writing

  • English Language Teaching

Congress Registration Fee


Participation FEE (online or in person)

  • Single Paper Fee (Online): 25 Euro (800 TL)

  • Fee for Two Papers (Online): 35 Euro (1200 TL)

  • Single Paper Fee (In-person): 45 Euro (1600 TL)

  • Fee for Two Papers (In-person): 55 Euro (2000 TL)


Please make your payment via credit card after receiving acceptance


Services Included in the Fee

  • Publication of abstracts and full texts in the congress book with ISBN

  • Separate participation certificate for all authors

  • Coffee break for in person participants



  • Internationally accredited


Accommodation Recommendation

  • The Olive Tree Hotel

  • Overnight Accommodation Prices:

  • Single Room: 69 Euros, Double Room: 92 Euros, Triple Room 129 Euros

  • Children aged 0 - 6 are free of charge, daily fee for children aged 7 -12 is 23 Euros

​Uğur Kıroğlu - Front Office Manager
Mobile: 0548
856 50 07
Telephone: 0392 650 08 00
Fax: 0392 824 42 09 

Abstract Submission

You must apply to the Congress by sending an abstract. Since our congress has an INTERNATIONAL character, it is obligatory to send an abstract in English.

The summary evaluation process takes a maximum of 5 days.

The author is informed about the result of the evaluation without delay.


Abstract Writing Rules

Margins : 2.5 cm

Font: Times New Roman, 12 Points

Line spacing: 1.00 cm

TITLE: All capital letters

Keywords: At least 3

Number of Words: At least 250

Your abstracts should be between 200-300 words. In addition, all authors in the paper must have their name, surname, place of work, the field of study, e-mail addresses, mobile phone numbers, and ORCID numbers.

You can submit your abstracts in word/doc/docs format until May 15, 2024 the latest to the following e-mail address:

(Abstract Sample Format)

Full Text Submission

If you want to have your full texts published in the Congress book, after your abstract is accepted, you can submit your FULL TEXTS until June 30, 2024, at 17:00 You must send it to your address.

Studies with a similarity rate above 30% in full texts are not taken into consideration.

Full-Text Writing Rules

Margins : 2.5 cm

Font: Times New Roman, 12 Points

Line spacing: 1.00 cm

TITLE: All capital letters

Subtitle: Small

The number of pages: Must be at least 5 pages. The upper limit is 25 pages.



Citation Format: APA 6 Style citation format should be used.

In addition, all authors in the paper must have their name, surname, place of work, the field of study, city, and country, e-mail addresses, mobile phone numbers, and mandatory ORCID numbers.

(Full-Text Sample Format)

Organizing Committee

Advisory Board Members

Assoc. Prof. Ziya TOK, Chair, Department of Western Languages and Literatures, Kırıkkale University

Regents' Prof. Dr. Douglas BIBER, Applied Linguistics Department, Northern Arizona University

Prof. Dr. Randi REPPEN, Applied Linguistics Department, Northern Arizona University

Lawrence CLEARY, (Chair) Director Regional Writing Centre, Chair EWCA, University of Limerick, Ireland

Franziska LIEBETANZ, Director Writing Center of the European University, Executive Board Member, EWCA, Viadrina in Frankfurt Oder, Germany

Dilek TOKAY, Sabancı University (Emeritus), Writing Center Coordinator

Zerrin ERTAN KESKÄ°N, Head of Communications Department, Directorate for EU Affairs

Prof. Dr. Hüsnü ENGÄ°NARLAR, Middle East Technical University, Department of English Language Teaching (Emeritus)  

Prof. Dr. Sabri KOÇ, BaÅŸkent University, Department of English Translation and Interpretation

Prof. Dr. Aydan ERSÖZ, Ankara Science University, Chair of English Preparatory School, INGED Honorary Chair

Prof. Dr. Nuray ALAGÖZLÜ, Chair, Department of English Language Teaching, Hacettepe University

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arif SARIÇOBAN, Chair, Department of English Language and Literature, Selçuk University, Chair Ä°NÖED

Prof. Dr. Hacer Hande UYSAL, Department of English Language Teaching Hacettepe University

Prof. Dr. Selma ELYILDIRIM, Chair, Department of English Language and Literature, Hacı Bayram Veli University

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nurdan GÜRBÜZ, Department of English Language Teaching, Middle East Technical University



Organization Committee

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elif TOKDEMİR DEMİREL, Kırıkkale University, Department of Western Languages and Literatures

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nafiya Güden, Final International University, School of Tourism and Culinary Arts

Assist. Prof. Dr. Seden Turamberk Özerden, Final International University, School of Tourism and Culinary Arts

Prof. Dr. Nazife Aydınoğlu, Final International University, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Dean; ELT Programme Lecturer

Lect. ÇiÄŸdem CantaÅŸ, Final International University, The School of Foreign Languages, Acting Director

Dr. Behice Ceyda SONGÜL, Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit Universiity

Dr. Dilara SOMUNCU, Gaziantep University

Res. Assist. Selim Ozan ÇEKÇÄ°, Kırıkkale University

M.A. Candidate, DoÄŸa ArmaÄŸan DEMÄ°REL, Goethe University Frankfurt

M.A. Candidate, Konstantina Tsoleridou, Goethe University Frankfurt

English Instructor, PhD Candidate, Müge GÜNEÅž AKSU, Ufuk University

English Instructor, PhD Candidate, Gülseren GÜLDESTE, Ufuk University

Assist. Prof. Dr. TuÄŸba ŞİMÅžEK, Çukurova University

English Instructor, M.A. Sultan ULUAD, MA Student at Kırıkkale University

Assist. Prof. Dr. Volkan ATEÅž, Tarsus University


Art Committee

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hüda SAYIN, Kırıkkale University

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Åžuayip YÜCEL, Kırıkkale University



Scientific Board

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elif TOKDEMİR DEMİREL, Kırıkkale University, Department of Western Languages and Literatures, English Translation and Interpretation M.S.B.

Prof. Dr. Bena Gül PEKER, Gazi University, department of English Language Teaching, (Emeritus)

Prof. Dr. Aydan ERSÖZ, Ankara Science University, Chair of English Preparatory School, INGED Honorary Chair

Prof. Dr. Nuray ALAGÖZLÜ, Chair, Department of English Language Teaching, Hacettepe University

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aylin Köyalan, Final International University, Faculty of Educational Sciences, ELT Programme, Chair; ELT Programme Lecturer

Assist. Prof. Dr. Özgür Batur, Final International University, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Vice Dean; ELT Programme Lecturer

Assist. Prof. Dr. Merve Uysal, Final International University, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Coordinator ; ELT Programme Lecturer

Lect. Mehmet Kayruhan, Final International University, The School of Foreign Languages, Vice  Director

Lect. Özge Çakmak Ä°ÅŸitmez,  Final International University, The School of Foreign Languages, Coordinator

Lect. Shahab Miri,  Final International University, The School of Foreign Languages, Coordinator

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Shelley STAPLES, Department of English, Arizona University

Prof. Dr. Arif SARIÇOBAN, Chair, Department of English Language and Literature, Selçuk University, Chair Ä°NÖED

Prof. Dr. Hacer Hande UYSAL, Department of English Language Teaching Hacettepe University

Prof. Dr. Selma ELYILDIRIM, Chair, Department of English Language and Literature, Hacı Bayram Veli University

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nurdan GÜRBÜZ, Department of English Language Teaching, Middle East Technical University

Prof. Dr. Eda ÜSTÜNEL, MuÄŸla Sıtkı Koçman University

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vassiliki KOURBANI, Hellenic American University

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Asuman AÅžIK, Gazi University

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Safiye Ä°pek KURU GÖNEN, EskiÅŸehir Anadolu University

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Perihan KORKUT, MuÄŸla Sıtkı Koçman University

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Andrea SCOTT, Associate Professor of Academic Writing & Writing Center Director, Claremont, CA, USA

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet BAŞAL, Yıldız Technical University

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gül ÖZYAZICIOÄžLU, Fırat University

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ziya TOK, Kırıkkale University

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Onur ÖZCAN, Kırıkkale University

Assist. Prof. Dr. Nihan ERDEMÄ°R, Süleyman Demirel University

Assist. Prof. Dr. Sevcan BAYRAKTAR ÇEPNÄ°, Trabzon University

Assist. Prof. Dr. Gökhan ÇEPNÄ°, Trabzon University

Assist. Prof. Dr. Zeynep BAŞER , Kırıkkale University

Assist. Prof. Dr. Özgür ÅžEN BARTAN, Kırıkkale University

Assist. Prof. Dr. Mehtap ARAL, Kırıkkale University

Assist. Prof. Dr. Semin Kazazoglu, Yıldız Technical University

Dr. Işıl Günseli KAÇAR, Middle East Technical University

Sona KHACHATRYAN, Writing Consultant, Office of Student Affairs, American University of Armenia (AUA), Yerevan, Armenia.

English Instructor Neslihan KELEÅž, Trabzon University

Conference Contacts


Phone Number: +90 544 645 81 00

Fax: +90 216 606 32 75

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